tigard staff


Angeli Delgado is 46 years old and was born in Maracaibo Venezuela. She has a Senior Accounting Degree and came to the United States 8 years ago with her husband and two daughters Samantha and Rebeca. She has worked in the education field with children in different daycares and preschools in the Portland Metro area for over 7 years. Angeli worked with Amanecer 7 years ago and is happy to be returning to our program. Angeli is very connected to her Church and states that she loves God and has strong Christian values but also respects different belief systems and values individuality. Of working in education and at Amanecer Angeli says the following: "I love working with children and being able to support their growth and learning. I enjoy helping children both academically and socially. I feel like children teach me to be better and better every day. I value individuality and respect each child and their learning style. I consider love and respect to be an essential piece of education. My goal is to make children feel safe and loved. My promise in this new role is to care for children as I care for my own.

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